Wednesday, 23 January 2013

Irish Folk Furniture by Tony Donoghue

I came across this video over on Twitter last week, and was instantly charmed by it. Directed by Tony Donoghue, produced by Cathal Black and funded through the Irish Film Board's Frameworks animated short scheme, Irish Folk Furniture is a short stop-motion animation which takes a look at the restoration of a total of 16 pieces of Irish traditional furniture. It's a lovely film, and it's great to see a film exploring design, craft and traditional furniture get support from the IFB, RTE and the Arts Council. Made not only with respect to traditional furniture, its production, restoration, and place in rural homes, the film is also made with consideration for the environment: second-hand equipment is transported by bicycle around the small area where all furniture and interviewees are found, keeping the wastefulness Donoghue has witnessed in filmmaking in the past to a minimum. The film debuted at Sundance Film Festival last week and it was announced today that it has one the prestigious festival's Best Animation Award. Be sure to take 8 minutes out of your day to watch this well-deserved winner, and head over to Film Ireland for a recent interview with Donoghue on the making of the film.

Postscript: At the time of writing, this post contained the full video, but as that's been removed, you can now watch a clip which comes via Alan Eddie who was involved in the making of Irish Folk Furniture