Present & Correct is a stationery shop selling a range of great original designs, delicious items from around the world and vintage finds too. Two designers have turned their long-standing obsession with school and office supplies into a constantly evolving store, beginning online in 2008 and last week celebrating their first birthday in their real life premises on Arlington Way here in London. Their website and shop are both full of SUCH TASTY STUFF and I would like to own pretty much all of it. You can browse and buy online but if you're in the area, their physical shop is well worth a visit for a look at their stock in the flesh, a chat about stationery lust and a go of their stationery gumball machine (slot in some pound coins and get a surprise treat - in my case it was colourdy gum dots. WIN!).

As well as stocking and selling such a great range of analogue means of communication and documentation, Present & Correct is brilliant at the internet too. P&C writes a blog about great design and architecture finds, tweets about treats and gin, has some great Pinterest boards and keeps a Tumblr called Stationery Compositions, where P&C creates beautiful pictures from the shop's stock. The images below are all from there and I think you'll agree that they're delectable. Soak it all up online and in person and find an appropriate pen and notebook with which to compose your stationery wish list...

As well as stocking and selling such a great range of analogue means of communication and documentation, Present & Correct is brilliant at the internet too. P&C writes a blog about great design and architecture finds, tweets about treats and gin, has some great Pinterest boards and keeps a Tumblr called Stationery Compositions, where P&C creates beautiful pictures from the shop's stock. The images below are all from there and I think you'll agree that they're delectable. Soak it all up online and in person and find an appropriate pen and notebook with which to compose your stationery wish list...

Images via Present & Correct