As you might recall, back in November the Irish Architecture Foundation launched their Archizines Challenge, inviting architects, designers, artists, writers and curators to create new architectural publications, with the winning individual or team receiving support from Plus Print to produce their archizine. The winners were Set Collective and they're busy at work producing issue one of SET, which examines the relationship between cinema and its architecture, something I'm looking forward to reading more about and - according to twitter - is due to be launched soon...
But enough about the winners for now! Three other archizines were shortlisted in the competition and one of those - 2ha, edited by Michael Hayes and designed by Ste Murray - is on its way out into the world via Fund It. 2ha - referring both to a method of measuring land (hectares/ha) and the Irish word 'tuatha' which describes not only land but also the people who occupy it - is 'an archizine for the suburbs', a continuation of Hayes' interest in and research into suburban life. 2ha will be published every two months for the next year, with each issue examining the suburbs in different ways such as mapping, public space, language and more. Hayes has initiated a number of projects about suburbia, both as part of and separate to his recently completed architectural studies. One such project is Suburban Cinema, where Hayes invites people to watch movies in the sitting room of his apartment, aiming to make the suburbs more than just a place to eat, sleep and commute from. When I asked him what interests him about the suburbs, he told me, "I can't really say for definite what it is about suburbia that interests me. All I know is that I associate it with the ignored and overlooked; with the everyday and the ordinary ... and with a possibility for an architecture that has never been built."

2ha will be a one sheet publication, and - support permitting - issue one will hopefully be available pretty soon. If you want to get in there early, rewards on Fund It include digital and print copies of issue one, annual subscriptions and evening exclusive suburban walking tours. For more information on the project, visit 2ha.ie
Images courtesy of Michael Hayes
But enough about the winners for now! Three other archizines were shortlisted in the competition and one of those - 2ha, edited by Michael Hayes and designed by Ste Murray - is on its way out into the world via Fund It. 2ha - referring both to a method of measuring land (hectares/ha) and the Irish word 'tuatha' which describes not only land but also the people who occupy it - is 'an archizine for the suburbs', a continuation of Hayes' interest in and research into suburban life. 2ha will be published every two months for the next year, with each issue examining the suburbs in different ways such as mapping, public space, language and more. Hayes has initiated a number of projects about suburbia, both as part of and separate to his recently completed architectural studies. One such project is Suburban Cinema, where Hayes invites people to watch movies in the sitting room of his apartment, aiming to make the suburbs more than just a place to eat, sleep and commute from. When I asked him what interests him about the suburbs, he told me, "I can't really say for definite what it is about suburbia that interests me. All I know is that I associate it with the ignored and overlooked; with the everyday and the ordinary ... and with a possibility for an architecture that has never been built."

2ha will be a one sheet publication, and - support permitting - issue one will hopefully be available pretty soon. If you want to get in there early, rewards on Fund It include digital and print copies of issue one, annual subscriptions and evening exclusive suburban walking tours. For more information on the project, visit 2ha.ie

Images courtesy of Michael Hayes