Portuguese artist duo Glam & Travis are currently exhibiting a series of intricate cardboard creatures in Re-searcher, a shop and gallery space in the Baixa neighboorhood of Lisbon. With impressive precision (and no doubt countless paper cuts) the duo have created a collection of brightly-coloured birds, bears and imaginative creatures with a great cartoony quality.

The exhibition - as mentioned in the last post - runs until 31 July, but if you find yourself in Lisbon another time Re-searcher is still well worth a visit. Not only an exhibition space, Re-searcher also sells a great range of books, notebooks, tote bags and other very desirable items. On my wishlist are some Planeta Tangerina books (more on those soon) and Re-searcher's own mugs with tile patterns on. Obviously. On top of running the shop and gallery, Re-searcher also represents a number of illustrators from Portugal and beyond, so be sure to check out their website to see some fab illustrative work. Busy people...
The exhibition - as mentioned in the last post - runs until 31 July, but if you find yourself in Lisbon another time Re-searcher is still well worth a visit. Not only an exhibition space, Re-searcher also sells a great range of books, notebooks, tote bags and other very desirable items. On my wishlist are some Planeta Tangerina books (more on those soon) and Re-searcher's own mugs with tile patterns on. Obviously. On top of running the shop and gallery, Re-searcher also represents a number of illustrators from Portugal and beyond, so be sure to check out their website to see some fab illustrative work. Busy people...