Monday, 25 March 2013

Intricate Illustrations by Mister Mourão

"I'm into obsessive drawing", says Portuguese-born Barcelona based Vasco Mourão (Mister Mourão to his fans, a group I am definitely a part of). Mourão, who originally trained as an architect, creates wonderfully intricate illustrations of reimagined cityscapes, piling details on top of details to amplify the essence of a city. Above and below is his illustration of New York city commissioned by the New Yorker magazine which I stumbled upon recently over on Architectural Review. Further down you'll see Mourão's illustration entitled Is it just me or is Barcelona falling apart?, where his ordinarily tight drawing style becomes fractured and flies apart, like a new form of urban sprawl. One of his more recent commissions is captured in video at the bottom: a drawing curving through 100 metres of wall space in a hotel hallway in Barcelona - a curly cityscape at first tightly packed together but gradually fragmenting towards the end of the space. I could wax on, but I think the illustrations and video speak volumes for themselves. See more of Mister Mourão's immensely skillful work at his portfolio, as well as his daily drawing blog.

Images 1, 2 and 3: New Yorker

Images 4 & 5: Is it just me or is Barcelona falling apart? All via Mister Mourão