Thursday, 28 March 2013

SET - Cinema and its Architecture

The Irish Architecture Foundation's recent Archizines Challenge, a competition designed to encourage a new generation of architectural publishing in Ireland, had many entries including 2ha which was recently funded through FundIt. The winning entry was SET, a publication exploring cinema and its architecture and Issue 1, which is sponsored by Plus Print, was launched recently in the Irish Film Institute. Written and edited by architecture graduate Jamie Young and designed by Paul Guinan, Issue 1 of SET takes a look at architecture and space in Alfred Hitchcock's Rope (1948), which was screened at the launch.

Issue 1 provides an interesting analysis of how space shapes the action in Hitchcock's Rope. The film is set entirely within a penthouse apartment (in keeping with the story's origins in a play by Patrick Hamilton), creating a claustrophobic atmosphere within which a crime and its tenuous justifications unfold. The short essay provided by SET must be a wonderful enhancement to the enjoyment of the film for those who have seen it, and a real encouragement to watch it for those - like me - who haven't. SET will be published quarterly, with issues two and three coming out in June and September respectively. Keep an eye on for information on screenings, and in the mean time grab your copy of Issue 1: its limited stock of Issue 1 wont last long!